I am thinking to start a blog every day for the last 5 months, when I experienced a life-changing opportunity and I really felt like sharing with others about it. Every day for the last 5 months I find a new excuse not to do it: I don't have time, is not in my priorities or my long term big goals, I don't know how to do it, there are a lot more talented people out there than me, I don't know what will be the added value for people that will read (will they? are they gonna be people that even visit my blog?).
But my urge to transmit my creativity and my thoughts finally is bigger than my excuses. Believe it or not this is a big step for me, and I hope it can be for others too that feeling the same as me when they really want to start something new.
These days when the whole world is going through a historical change that influences our daily life, I found it relevant to share with you my way of turning what I read/see/listen into a meaningful learning experience that help become a better person, a better student and to achieve my professional goals.
Here you will see a lot of quotes from my favorite books, lines from my favourite movies or series and other sources of knowledge that you can use for your daily life. Moreover, you will see steps to get your learnings into action and questions to help you reflect on that.
Your voice us truly needed here, to share with everyone your experience, your learnings and your progress towards your goals.
I don't know if is a good time, I don't even know if this experiment will be succesfull or not but I am sure that it will be a great learning experience for me - hope for you too!
Keep learning,
(Photo by Philipp Berndt on Unsplash)